Ramblings of a Mahad Man

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Cat-Man and Kitten: “New Life” Pt. 4

Here it is. The big conclusion to my Cat-Man and Kitten One-Shot script. In case you’ve missed the previous parts, or if you want to read it all in one go, check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. It’s been an absolute blast sharing this story with you all and playing with these Golden Age characters. I hope you’ve enjoyed coming along in this journey with me.


Panel 1
Exterior shot of a nice house, with a focus on its closed garage. Parked in the driveway is the car we saw Cam and Katie drive off in.

KATIE (from inside garage): Wha... what are you...

CAM (from inside garage): What am I doing?

Panel 2
Moving inside, we see that the garage has been converted into a makeshift workshop. Parts and equipment line one wall of shelves. Against another wall is a table of tools: a hammer, some screws and a screwdriver, and a large wrench. A welding area stands in a different section. We also see a window looking out into the night sky. But in the middle of it all is a large machine, two lines of electrodes running off of it. Cam stands next to mechanical monolith fiddling with some settings and a few feet away sits Katie in a wooden chair, her head lolling down toward her chest.

CAM: Taking what you so clearly don’t deserve. Your type is always the same. So carefree and reckless. Never understanding the value of life. Now you’ll know what it’s like to lose it.

KATIE: H...how?

Panel 3
Close on Cam crouching in front of the machine, his brow furrowed in misogynistic dismissal.

CAM: Like you could understand this machine.

Panel 4
Katie out of the seat, fully conscious and looking down at Cam, who has turned to stare up at her. His face registers a bit of shock and surprise but remains oddly calm.

KATIE: Great. Now that I know it’s the machine and not just you, please tell me you want to do this the hard way.

CAM: ...ah.


Panel 1
Cam blocks a punch from Katie and delivers a hard kick to her midsection that sends her reeling.

CAM: Two blackbelts, a gymnast, and a competitive weightlifter. Please, let’s do this the hard way.

Panel 2
Behind the knocked over chair, Katie lands in the classic superhero version of the three-point stance, ready to pounce. She glares at Cam with narrowed eyes.

Panels 3-5
In a series of small panels, Katie and Cam fight, blocking and trading blows. In one panel, Katie connects with knee to the ribs. In another, Cam elbows her in the temple. Katie has the experience, and if not for the recent rebirth, would have the upper hand. She’s holding her own but is getting worn down in a fight that seems as though it can go either way.

Panel 6
Cam stands in front of the window, a bit out of breath while trashing talking the panting but still standing Katie.

CAM: Wow. You are something. I cannot wait to drain the life from you.


Panel 1
Framed in the exact same way as the previous panel on PAGE 27, except Cam stumbles forward as Cat-Man swing kicks him from through the window, crashing himself into the garage.

Panel 2
Cat-Man crouches low, his arm over his shoulder having just tossed Katie her weighted gloves, which Katie is in the process of slipping onto her fists. Cat-Man himself appears exhausted and very worse-for-the-wear while Cam glowers at them, back braced against the table of tools, his hand next to the large wrench.

CAT-MAN: Hey Katie. Found your phone.

Panel 3
Cat-Man and Kitten charge at Cam, who launches himself forward, swinging the wrench wide and catching Cat-Man on the shoulder. Kitten ducks low, arm in motion for an uppercut.

Panel 4
Cam careens backward from the uppercut but manages to catch Kitten with a backhanded swing. She rolls with the hit, using the momentum to tumble to the side.

Panel 5
Cat-Man leaps back in, but his previous fight has taken its toll. Cam uses his weight to flip over Cat-Man and sends him into the ground, hard.

Panel 6
Seeing the opening, Katie springs into the air and delivers a jumping back-kick that sends Cam spinning.


Panel 1
Eyes crazed, Cam holds the electrodes from the machine in his hands and jumps toward Kitten, who braces for the impact. In the background, Cat-Man rises to his feet.

CAM: I’m going to drain you dry, you little—

Panel 2
Kitten on her back, having grabbed both of Cam’s hands in hers to keep the electrodes away from her face. Her feet press against his abdomen, giving her leverage. In the background, Cat-Man lunges toward Cam, arms wide and ready to grab him in a bear hug.

Panel 3
With Cat-Man providing extra support by yanking Cam back, Kitten uses her legs to launch him off of her, and both Cat-Man and Cam stagger backward toward the machine.

Panel 4
The entwined Cat-Man and Cam collide into the machine, the heavy impact causing it to short-circuit in an explosion of sparks, smoke, and electricity.


Panel 1
In the smokey haze, a coughing Kitten crouches down and reaches toward a body sprawled out face down on the floor. Behind her another unclear figure rises.

Panel 2
A wild-eyed and growling Cam lunges at Kitten from behind, his hands reaching for her neck, but she spins around, a punch smashing into his ribs.

Panel 3
Kitten lays him out with a hard right hook, her weighted fist cracking into his jaw.

Panel 4
Kneeling beside Cat-Man, Kitten turns over her severely dazed and injured friend, calling out his name and trying to keep him conscious.

KITTEN: David! Come on. Stay with me.

Panel 5
From Cat-Man’s point-of-view, we can see the fading image of Kitten leaning over him, darkness creeping into his vision.

KITTEN: David. Can you hea—

Panel 6
Still in Cat-Man’s point-of-view with Katie leaning over him, except she appears completely in focus, a bright light behind her and concern etched on her face.

DAVID: Katie... you’re okay.


Panel 1
We pull back to reveal Katie and David inside of a hospital room. A recovering David lies in the bed and a relieved Katie stands beside him.

KATIE: I’m alright. I was more worried about you. You’re in the hospital.

DAVID: So, it worked?

Panel 2
Katie is about to exit the room, almost halfway out the door, when something David says from behind makes her stop dead in her tracks.

KATIE: Yeah, we got him. Worry about that later though. Let me get the—

DAVID: You have my powers now?

Panel 3
Katie turns back around, a sense of dread looming over her.

KATIE: What did you just say?


Panel 1
Katie slowly walks back toward the bed, a confused David watching her every step.

DAVID: My powers. The transfer. It worked? It saved you?

KATIE: David, I know this is going to sound weird, but I need you to answer something for me okay? What year is it?

Panel 2
Close on David in the bed, absolutely perplexed. But we can see it now, a youthful innocence in his eyes. The eyes of a young adult.

DAVID: Katie, what—

KATIE (Off Panel): David, please. I need you to trust me. What year is it?

DAVID: Alright, if you say so. Unless I’ve been out for longer than I thought...

Panel 3
On Katie, her face crestfallen, the heaviest hit of the night slamming into her and irrevocably changing the entire course of her many lives.

DAVID: It’s October, 1946.