Cat-Man and Kitten: “New Life” Pt. 2
And so a week later I have returned with the next part of my Cat-Man and Kitten one-shot comic script! What’s that? It’s been way more than a week? Well, considering time no longer has any meaning at this point in the world (and for anyone reading this in the future, look up 2020... I’m sorry ahead of time), it both has and has not been a week. But if you’re Cat-Man and Kitten, I guess it was a lifetime ago.
Anyway, the adventure continues! You can check out Part 1 Here, and I hope you enjoy this next section of the story! Comments always welcome!
Panel 1
Inside a large, curiously decorated office—a hand-carved desk, a bookshelf packed with old weathered books alongside newer looking ones, a few paintings that seem like original works—David sits in a chair with a laptop, his eyebrows quirked. A visibly irritated Katie has just entered carrying bags of clothes. Her hair has been cut into a style similar to the one she had previously, but just a little longer. We can see a comfortable looking couch and a coffee table behind her, as well as a door with the words “MerryCon Investigations” stenciled into a large pane of glass.
DAVID: Have you seen my phone?
KATIE: You have got to turn on find my phone, David. But I’m pretty sure I saw it in the kitchen.
Panel 2
David slips his phone into his pocket as he walks through a kitchen area off of their office. Unlike the office, the kitchen feels more modern, though sparsely furnished, with a square, four-person dining table, refrigerator and dishwasher, and a few appliances (coffee maker, toaster over, and blender).
DAVID: Are you doing alright?
KATIE (Off Panel): Fine. Just a little frustrated going through all this again so soon. Not to mention half these clothes I basically owned back in the ‘90s.
Panel 3
Katie exits her bedroom into the kitchen dressed in better fitting, more modern clothes. She reaches over to take a driver’s license from David’s outstretched hand. He smiles softly, hoping what he’s sharing might cheer her up just a bit.
DAVID: Well, in brighter news: I got our new IDs and you are officially 18.
KATIE: Thank god. I could not do high school again.
Panel 1
Close on Katie’s ID. She’s staring down at it, looking at an image of herself but from a literal lifetime ago. We can see some of the details about her but most of it is off panel. We’re focused on the picture of a smiling Katie.
KATIE (Off Panel): Did you stick with 20?
DAVID (Off Panel): I went with 22. Might as well keep our age difference.
Panel 2
From inside the fridge, we see Katie reaching for a drink, hand hovering over a beer. She could use one but is hesitant.
KATIE: Technically, it’s a 10-year difference.
DAVID: We haven’t been 10 years apart for—
Panel 3
David and Katie both turn their heads toward the hallway leading back to their office. Katie’s out of the fridge, the door shut on the beer.
VOICE (Off Panel): Hello? Is anywhere here?
Panel 4
David and Katie re-enter their office to find a middle-aged woman standing near the entrance that Katie came in from earlier. She looks surprised, somewhat nervous, fiddling with her purse.
WOMAN: Uh, is this MerryConn Investigations?
DAVID: Yes, that’s us. How may we help you?
WOMAN: Oh, I’m sorry. You just... seem a little young to be P.I.s
Panel 5
Close on David and Katie’s smirking faces.
Panel 1
The woman—Mrs. Wallace—sits in an armchair, while on the other side of the coffee table David braces against the arm of the couch. Katie, on the other hand, sits in the middle of the couch, leaning forward to inspect a set of pictures on the table that we can’t quite make out just yet.
MRS. WALLACE: I know how this will sound. It’s just... I didn’t know where else to go and—
DAVID: It’s okay, Mrs. Wallace. We won’t judge. Just tell us what happened.
MRS. WALLACE: It’s my daughter, Hannah. She lost her memory.
KATIE: Memory loss isn’t exactly—
Panel 2
Close on the pictures. They are of Hannah, 19 years old, pretty, blonde. One of her with her friends at a party. One with her and her mom. But in the one on top, Katie’s fingers visible on the bottom corner of the photo as she turns it to get a better look, Hannah is dressed in a windbreaker, grinning widely and holding up a gymnastics medal.
MRS. WALLACE (Off Panel): It’s more than that. Her identity has been stolen.
Panel 3
Mrs. Wallace explains her predicament to David and Katie, her face a mix of emotion and desperation, tears about to spill from her eyes. She needs them to believe her, to help her and her daughter.
MRS. WALLACE: Someone has broken into her social accounts, her bank accounts... someone is pretending to be Hannah!
Panel 4
Back on Katie and David, both listening intently to Mrs. Wallace. David is sympathetic while Katie glowers with intensity.
MRS. WALLACE (Off Panel): ...while the real Hannah, my Hannah, doesn’t even remember me...
Panel 1
At night, a frightened couple runs out of a back alley as Cat-Man and Kitten take on three thugs. Their costumes have been modified to a more modern style. They appear more durable in order to protect their smaller builds. Instead of singlets, both wear full body coverings. Their boots are heavier and their gloves rougher to add more impact to their kicks and punches. Despite all this, the fight isn’t going nearly as well as their one against the Wolf Pack, even though they face far fewer numbers. Cat-Man takes a blow to the side while Kitten barely dodges a pipe swung at her face.
KITTEN: I spoke with the daughter but... got nowhere. Doesn’t remember anything.
Panel 2
Cat-Man smiles, getting a hit on one of the thugs, who goes careening backward, but another grabs him from behind.
CAT-MAN: Social accounts definitely still active. Whoever it is has been po—oh!
Panel 3
Cat-Man leaps backward, propelling him and his assailant high into the air and against the side of the building, slamming the back of the thug against it and knocking the wind out of them both.
CAT-MAN: Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I have to actually concentrate on this fight.
KITTEN (Off Panel): Told you.
Panel 4
Cat-Man pounces toward the other still-standing thug while Kitten grapples with her pipe-wielding attacker. Kitten smiles, for the first time since their “rebirth.”
Panel 1
Back in their office, David and Katie recover while sprawled out on their sofa and couch, half out of their costumes and masks removed. Boots off, David has claimed the couch and holds an ice-filled handcloth against his jaw. Katie has flopped down awkwardly into the armchair, laying across its arms with her body folded toward the cushion. Her head leans on one arm and her legs dangle over the other. Her gloves lie on the nearby coffee table.
KATIE: What were you saying about her accounts?
Panel 2
David sits up. He moves the icepack away from his jaw and flexes the muscles while talking, touching the spot gently with his free hand.
DAVID: I talked with her friends. Whoever has been posting online talks exactly like her. They all thought it was her until they found out otherwise.
Panel 3
Katie still lays on the armchair in the exact some position, but she’s turned her head toward David, eyes gazing off in contemplation. She drums her fingers onto the glass tabletop while relaying her thoughts.
KATIE: Even with her bank accounts, whoever it is would have to know all the answers to her security questions.
Panel 4
Close on Katie, brow knitted in frustration.
KATIE: So, all we have is a name, then. The guy her mom said she was talking to?
Panel 5
David stands beside Katie, reaching his hand down toward her. He grins, all charm and playful amusement.
DAVID: Jack Spencer, yeah. More than enough to go on.
PAGE 14-15
Double page spread. Across these two pages, we see David and Katie investigating Hannah’s memory loss while also fighting crime as Cat-Man and Kitten and readjusting to life. There’s no dialogue across these pages. Everything is conveyed through events and body language.
Panel 1
David talks with a young man in a computer store. He is fit and handsome. On his nametag we can make out, “Jack.” He appears surprised but happy to help.
Panel 2
At a grocery store, Katie fumes while picking out some veggies. We can see two guys checking her out and saying something “flirtatious” but actually obnoxious to her.
Panel 3
Cat-Man and Kitten in the middle of a fight in an illegal gambling ring. Cat-Man takes a hit to the face and Kitten cartwheels over a table.
Panel 4
Katie speaks with a young woman at a coffee shop. Katie is attentive, reassuring the embarrassed girl across from her.
Panel 5
David at the gym on the bench press. No one around him really pays too much attention. Meanwhile, Katie is working her triceps, rolling her eyes as a guy attempts to give her advice.
Panel 6
Katie tries to enter a club, but the bouncer gives her a skeptical look over her ID.
Panel 7
David waved into the same club, the bouncer not even bothering to check his ID.
Panel 8
David at the club bar, leaning toward the bartender and asking questions while she hands a beer to a different customer.
Panel 9
Cat-Man and Kitten in a park, pouncing out of some trees and interrupting a weapons deal in progress.
Panel 10
David and Katie at the kitchen table in their office/apartment eating some breakfast. David is on his laptop and Katie is on her phone while simultaneously scribbling in a notebook.
Panel 11
David and Katie both talking to a man, someone closer to their former age rather than their current ones. They lean toward his phone, which he holds out toward them.
Panel 12
Close on the phone screen. On it, a dating app is open, the man’s profile pulled up.
Panel 1
At MerryConn Investigations, Mrs. Wallace sits in the armchair, David and Katie across from her on the couch, both of them sitting this time. They explain what they’ve uncovered to the relieved mother.
DAVID: The good news is that Hannah will get her memory back. She’ll be fine. Her social accounts and email are most likely gone...
KATIE: But you can clear things up with the bank in person once her memory returns.
MRS. WALLACE: I’m so happy that Hannah will be alright! But how did this even happen?
Panel 2
In an angled profiled shot, a stern-faced Katie explains to Mrs. Wallace what happened. David faces his partner, tight-lipped after she cut him off.
DAVID: I’m afraid we’re not—
KATIE: Unfortunately, we found multiple people this happened to, a pattern where someone is apparently stealing people’s memories and identities.
Panel 3
Closer on Katie, her anger and disgust evident.
KATIE: Everyone that’s experienced this is okay, but they’ve had part of their lives taken from them by this person.
Panel 4
David ushers a flummoxed Mrs. Wallace out the door, a reassuring smile on his face.
MRS. WALLACE: Oh my god. Are you working with the police to find this person?
DAVID: Don’t worry. The proper authorities are on it. We promise.
Panel 5
Having seen Mrs. Wallace out and shut the door behind her, David faces Katie, who now stands by the armchair on her phone. David masks the concern he’s feeling, attempting to hide his thoughts behind his usual charm.
DAVID: Speaking of those “proper authorities,” how’s it going for them?
KATIE: Well... I’d say pretty good.
Panel 6
Katie holds her phone out toward the approaching David.
KATIE: “Hannah” wants to meet.