Ramblings of a Mahad Man

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Cat-Man and Kitten: “New Life” Pt. 3

Welcome back for Part 3 of my clawsome Cat-Man and Kitten one-shot! I probably lost half of my potential readers after that pun but for those of you sticking around, this part is a little more action-oriented than the previous two as Cat-Man and Kitten enact a plan to confront whoever has been literally stealing people’s identities, memories, and lives. What’s that? You have no idea what I’m talking about? Well, check out Part 1 and Part 2 before continuing the story below.


Panel 1
On Katie’s phone, we can see a message exchange between her and someone using a profile picture of Hannah. This exchange is happening inside the dating app we saw on Page 15.

IN-APP KATIE: That sounds great! I’m free tonight? I know it’s last minute.

IN-APP HANNAH: Tonight’s perfect! How about at—

DAVID (Off Panel): I guess that confirms they’re into younger women.

Panel 2
David and Katie make their way back toward their bedrooms, walking side by side. Katie has an irritated look on her face and David’s concern has finally broken through.

KATIE: Youngest looking 90-year-old ever.

DAVID: Fair... Are you okay? You seem to be having a harder time adjusting this time around.

Panel 3
Katie about to entire her bedroom. Her face stern, her frustration boiling over.

KATIE: I’m fine. I’ve just been hit on all day and now I’m going to get hit on again... except this time by a possible sociopath.

Panel 4
David gives her a look as if to say, “case in point.”

In the upper third of the page, we see a split screen view of two parallel events: both David and Katie getting ready. These are a series of close up shots of them putting on various pieces of clothing, David suiting up and Katie dressing up.

Panels 1-3
David putting on Cat-Man’s boots, gloves, and mask.

Panel 4-6
Katie putting on earrings, heels, and grabbing a clutch.

KATIE: It’s just so much sooner this time. We were just getting back into it and Boom! we have to start over... again.

DAVID: Maybe... you can sit this one out. At least until you feel ready.

KATIE: No, that wouldn’t be fair. But we have, what, four lives left?

Panel 7
They emerge from their rooms, David in full Cat-Man gear and Katie in a stylish dress and heels.

KATIE: Are we going to spend all of them doing this?

CAT-MAN: Let’s talk more about it later. For now, we got at least one more adventure together.


Panel 1
Katie exits an Uber that has pulled up in front of a busy sidewalk. Well-dressed people already a few drinks deep mill about.

CAPTION BOX (Cat-Man): Remember, once you’re inside, we can’t communicate.

Panel 2
A bouncer holds open the door to a trendy lounge and bar. Katie walks in, flashing a bright and inviting smile.

CAPTION BOX (Cat-Man): We don’t want to risk him accidentally seeing a text.

Panel 3
Katie takes a seat at a high-top table, placing her clutch on top of it and scoping out the area. The lounge is busy but not overcrowded.

CAPTION BOX (Cat-Man): And we don’t know what this guy looks like, so—

CAPTION BOX (Katie): Relax. I’m a pro, remember? Besides...

Panel 4
Cat-Man stands on a rooftop across from the lounge, keeping an eye on the front door.

CAPTION BOX (Katie): I’ve got someone watching over me.

PAGE 20-21
Double page spread. These two pages are broken down into four widescreen panels each. The pages can be read together or one after the other, but the intent is to split the scenes down the middle, with Katie’s scenes on the left and Cat-Man’s scenes on the right.

Panel 1
Katie sitting at the high-top, chin in hand. She glances around, noticing a few people on their phones. She watches for someone looking her way but doesn’t spot anyone.

Panel 2
Cat-Man does some sit-ups on the roof. With every full sit-up, he’s able to peek at the entrance to the lounge, keeping an eye on it.

Panel 3
Katie on her own phone, trying to look bored and casual. But her eyes are still searching the area for anything suspicious.

Panel 4
Cat-Man does some elevated push-ups on the roof, keeping the doors in his line-of-sight.

Panel 5
Katie brushes off a clearly drunk guy hitting on her.

Panel 6
Cat-Man balances precariously upside down on one hand on the edge of the roof.

Panel 7
Katie looks up, feigning surprised innocence at a figure standing in the foreground of the panel. We see him from the back in silhouette.

STRANGER: Excuse me...

Panel 8
David once again observing the entrance to the lounge, one foot on the edge of the roof, arms folded onto his bent knee.

VOICE (Off Panel): Well, well...


Panel 1
A handsome stranger in their mid-20s stands at Katie’s table, a “nervous” air about him. Katie fakes feeling flattered, flashing him a shy smile.

CAM: I couldn’t help but notice you by yourself. I don’t normally do this, but, um, I’m Cam.

Panel 2
Cat-Man has turned toward the mysterious voice, revealing members of The Wolfpack on the roof behind him. Red Wolf stands in the middle, his mask chipped from where Cat-Man hit him with the case at the beginning of the story.

RED WOLF: Look what the cat dragged in.

CAT-MAN (under his breath): Ah, come on.

Panel 3
Cam sits at the high-top chatting with Katie. Cam still seems “nervous,” but Katie’s body language is making her appear interested and flirtatious.

CAM: This is so unlike me. Do you, uh, come to these places often?

KATIE: Every now and then. You know, gotta live a little sometimes.

Panel 4
Cat-Man holds his hands up in a gesture of peace while looking over his shoulder back toward the doors. The Wolfpack stays where they are, their expression unreadable behind their wooden masks.

CAT-MAN: Can we maybe do this some other time?

RED WOLF: Oh? Would you prefer we come back when you got your Kitten with you? Heard you got a new one.

Panel 5
Cam and Katie continue to talk. Cam is pointing toward the bar. He grins a boyish smile but there is a dangerous spark in his eyes.

CAM: Is it okay if I buy you a drink? Live a little, right?

KATIE: You know what? That would be great!

Panel 6
Close on Cat-Man. He glares at the off-panel Wolfpack with a hard look.

RED WOLF (Off Panel): Maybe we take care of her like we did the other one.


Panel 1
Katie and Cam laughing and having a good time.

Panel 2
Cat-Man brawls with the Wolfpack on the roof. It’s not going especially well. He kicks one and blocks a hit from another but more come at him with crowbars and brass knuckles.

Panel 3
Cam has one arm around Katie, helping her stand up from the table. She holds her forehead with one hand. She’s clearly woozy, not feeling well.

Panel 4
Two of the Wolfpack members are knocked out. Cat-Man has his fists up but looks a bit roughed up. One comes at him from the front, the other from the side.

Panel 5
Cam and Katie exit from the lounge into the night. He’s helping support her as they walk, her legs sluggish.

Panel 6
Cat-Man hunches over the edge of the roof, having just taken a punch to the face. His eyes are narrowed, brow furrowed, as he notices Cam and Katie getting into a car.

CAT-MAN: Damn.

PAGE 24-25
Double page spread. Each widescreen panel stretches across both pages and features a long profile view of the rooftops and street. On the rooftops, we see Cat-Man fight the Wolfpack while racing to catch up with the car carrying Cam and Katie. Each widescreen panel also features multiple images of the characters and car, conveying movement and distance.

Panel 1
2-page widescreen panel featuring three image sequences of the fight and car:

  • On the rooftop, one of the members of the Wolfpack flies backward into the others from a hard kick. Cat-Man is already bolting in the other direction, heading toward a gap between buildings. The car is right below them, heading down the street in the same direction.

  • Cat-Man leaps across the gap, behind him, members of the Wolfpack are also mid-air, following him across. The car is slightly ahead of them.

  • Cat-Man lands on the other rooftop and tucks and rolls. Some members of the Wolfpack are about the land, others are still mid-air, and one dangles on the edge of the building, not quite making it. The car is further ahead.

Panel 2
2-page widescreen panel featuring two image sequences of the fight and car:

  • Cat-Man has spun around to catch the Wolfpack off guard. He has clotheslined one, wrapped his arm around them and jumped into a drop kick against another. Below them on the street, the car is far ahead, almost on the second page.

  • Knocked out members of the Wolfpack scatter the rooftops. Cat-Man has reached another gap between buildings and is leaping backward over it, tossing a crowbar at Red Wolf, the lone remaining Wolfpack member. The crowbar smacks into his mask, sending him careening backward. The car is almost entirely off the page.

Panel 3
1-page widescreen panel. From over Cat-Man’s shoulder, we see the busy street below extending out in the distance, the car gone from view.

Panel 4
In a straight-to-reader shot, Cat-Man hangs his head, devastated.

Panel 5
Cat-Man whips his head up, eyes wide, an idea suddenly hitting him.